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I don't know about you, but spring is in the air and I can feel it. I've put away the heavy coat and even if some mornings are still a bit nippy, the sun is out and I feel its warmth on my cheeks. There's an extra spring in my step and a palpable sense of renewal in the ether.
At Terranam Manor, the flowers are blooming and the gardens are awakening from their wintry (and very rainy!) slumber, bursting forth with vibrant colors. We should take cues from nature as it sheds the gray of winter to make way for new growth. So too does spring invite us to embrace the possibility of our own internal awakening.
Before we can open ourselves up to a rebirth and let in the new, we need to make room by ridding ourselves of the old. Spring presents us with a time to shed the stagnant layers of our lives and release what no longer serves us.
Many of us will start pulling lighter clothing back out from the dark corners of wardrobe, others will rev up their fitness routines for a toned and fitter look for the warmer days ahead. But the journey of spring awakening extends far beyond mere physical renewal; it is a deeply spiritual process that calls us to reconnect with our innermost selves.
Springtime is a great opportunity to shed the mental and emotional clutter, too. Whether it be outdated beliefs, unhealthy habits, or toxic relationships. By letting go of the old, we create space for new beginnings to take root within us.
Spring cleaning is part of the path to wellness. One of my most popular blogs this past year was The Breakup, which was all about saying goodbye to friendships that don't serve us. Springtime is a great time to give your social life the clean up it may need. With the winter months behind us, we spend less time cooped up inside and should make an effort to see more of those who really bring value and joy to our lives. More face to face and less text to text! It's an opportunity to shed the commitments that just weigh you down and focus more on the ones that light you up!
A little home cleaning may be in order, too. I consider myself a rather organized person so I recognize that Marie Kondo is on to something. As much as I hate to get into a cupboard full of clutter I've compiled over the years, a good spring cleaning of even a small space in my house does make me feel a little lighter. This is something we can encourage not just for ourselves, but for our families as well, especially if you have teenagers! 😉 Just this past week, I finally managed to get two of my boys to collect childhood books, stuffed animals, an impressive collection of nerf guns and old clothes into 10 garbage bags which I drove to the local charity for donation. Even I notice that when I step into their bedrooms now, it feels easier to breathe in there! Plus, I imagine we've made some little boys happy somewhere with all the nerf paraphenalia.
What about those bad habits we find hard to break when we're stuck inside and lacking healthy distractions? I've often mentioned the tried and true digital detox as a great option. Try setting a daily time limit on your smartphone. Or slightly revolutionary, when you're in a queue, or on public transport, resist the urge to look at your phone and just look around you at the world or the view going by the window. You'd be amazed how much you see when you just set your neck straight instead of staring down. Maybe you're the type of person who'd rather take this from a different angle and instead of actively removing things that clutter your life, take something that makes you happy and fill more of your time and mental space doing this. In the spring, activities like walking in botanical gardens, playing a sport, having drinks with friends in an outdoor terrace, or simply basking in the warmth of the sun for a dose of Vitamin D all come to mind. Anything that boosts your mood works!
The spring cleaning of your life and soul leaves room for transformation and rebirth.

Warmer temperatures and blooming flowers bring the presence of butterflies. Anyone who knows me well, knows that my heart flutters for butterflies. 🦋 So much so that I have reminders of them in key areas of my home, like this work of art that brightens my dining room with unique, bursting and vibrant colors.
But butterflies aren't just pretty to look at; in many cultures they represent transformation, beauty, and rebirth. Their life cycle, which involves the metamorphosis from a caterpillar to a chrysalis and finally to a butterfly, is seen as a powerful metaphor for personal transformation and new beginnings.
Let's follow the butterfly's example and seize the chance for a fresh start, welcoming the vibrant energy of spring into our daily routines. Once we've removed the clutter that weighs us down, we should pursue things that rejuvenate and free our spirit. There isn't a set recipe for this or a final destination to reach. If you're type A like me, the simple act of focusing on the journey itself instead of trying to reach the destination will already be an effort unto itself and a great exercise in mindfulness! The important thing is to plant the seeds of intention, nurture them with care, treating yourself with kindness along the way, and watch as they blossom into beautiful transformations.
Whether it's decluttering our physical spaces to invite in freshness, commiting to daily walks in nature, embarking on a journey of self-discovery through meditation, or revitalizing our relationships with acts of kindness and gratitude, this season offers endless possibilities for growth.
I'm determined to seize this moment to revitalize my life and pursue the things that bring me joy. I hope that for you, too, the arrival of spring is a gentle reminder of your capacity to evolve and grow. May this spring be a time of renewal, inspiration, and promise as you embrace the opportunity to start afresh and take small steps towards cultivating the life you envision.

If you work from home or spend a lot of time on videoconferences, a good way to reduce mental clutter is to choose a good old-fashioned phone call whenever possible. Instead of trying to make eye contact with the person on the screen or feeling self-conscious about your own self-view, choose a phone call instead and go for a walk during the discussion. A regular call will allow you to listen better to the conversation and reduce your cognitive load. If you make a conscious effort to schedule these instead of videoconferences, you will notice you feel less exhausted at the end of the day. This practice saved my sanity during Covid. Now that it's budding spring, it's the perfect time to take the call, listen closely and enjoy basking in the sun's rays while out for a walk. Plus, if you're feeling lucky, you might spot some butterflies along the way.
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